Sidebars: The Ultimate Sidekick

Every Hero Needs a Sidekick…er Sidebar!

Often forgotten, misused or relegated to billboard status for flashy ads, the Sidebar needs to be given the respect it deserves. Sure, the primary content is the big cheese, but have you ever seen a reliable “Call to Action” button stuffed in the middle of the main content. How about that impressive testimonial from your last client? Or your current Kickstarter campaign widget? Eventbrite event widget? Instagram feed? The Sidebar has an infinite array of uses and can look like anything and show up strategically or everywhere on your site. It can play a vital part in your overall Information Architecture and all nature of plugins provide their own nifty Widgets for the sidebar. In this session, we’ll go over everything you need to know to maximize your Sidebars, including what to show in them, helpful plugins and how to create new custom ones for your own specific use.

I’ll show you that you should never neglect your sidekick, the Sidebar, if you want to be a Hero online!

